Oscar Rubio (TC 2578)
Tatiana Conejero (TL 5528), Barcelona Spain
Oscar Rubio
My name is Oscar Rubio , 28 years old. I am from Barcelona. Me and my delicious wife Tati, work as a team, to create every day a hudge organisation.
I've been managing my own businesses for 20 years. I've done every kind of job you can imagine: from organising New Year's parties for 400 guests, to working as an Advertising Agent, financial Promoter, national and international investment... I know the network marketing area very well, and worked in one of the biggest global companies for 3 years. At this occasion, I really learnt a lot about this type of business.
Dubli is for me an excellent business, as it allows me to work from anywhere in the world, without having to be physically present in a specific place, and thus offering me a very high-quality life. There are no limits at Dubli.com, neither of growth, nor geographical, and this is a big step forward in the business of the 21st century. We are going to influence thousands of people's lives decisively, by creating a new living philosophy, and a new e-business era.
Dubli can offer you the „business of the business“, selling everything, in the whole world, with a big team, working for your business at Dubli.com, and a team that you will choose yourself, to create your expansion.
What I find most fascinating is how quickly the transactions occur, without even being present 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and in every places of the world where those transactions are made. You can make hundreds of transactions at the same time and, in addition, create a network of enterprising people. This represents exponential growth.
What would you have told me if I had offered you the opportunity to be one of the Google or eBay founders? Think about it. Only those who anticipate changes can also modify the society and earn more than the others.
Oscar Rubio
Tatiana Conejero
My name is Tatiana, I'm 25 years old and a member of the DubLi Spanish team.
For a long time I've been thinking about having my own business and achieving my own ambitions. Although I've made some tries, I could never realise this dream. For this reason, if I had to dedicate some lines to DubLi Network, I would define it as:
The opportunity that changed my life
First of all I met Oscar, my partner for EVERYTHING, thanks to whom I learnt the sense of the word Network Marketing and how to develop it. I also learnt how to make my business a part of the first truly global e-commerce portal and how to profit from the earnings that E-COMMERCE generates everyday.
...In short, the opportunity to change my lifestyle and above all: „All my partners“, no matter if they are Business Associates, support or managers... are great persons to spend my day to day with. Thanks to them, I've been able to notice the great portal's evolution since I began my business, 7 months ago. I can say that we've grown and all improved together.
That's why I just have these words left:
The success doesn't depend on luck, or on coincidence and is not pre-determined
Greatings and success!!!!

I am 44 years old, have been married to my wife Margit for 23 years, have three children aged 24, 21 and 17 years; our grandchild is one year old. We live in the beautiful Austrian city of Salzburg and enjoy the wonderful surroundings. I am originally from the catering industry, where I was successfully self-employed for several years. As I was always open to new things, I got acquainted with network marketing. After initial scepticism, I recognized the lucrative possibilities inherent in this sales method – therefore, I decided to get involved with a 'lifestyle' company, at first for six years as a secondary job, afterwards, as a regular occupation. At the end of July, 2006, I was fortunate, through Günther Kofler, to get acquainted with DubLi, and knew immediately that I should seize this chance; my feelings were positive and they were correct. The internet has a future and internet trade has only just begun; this intrinsic variety is fascinating, there are opportunities for everyone, unique in the industry. In the last few months, a large group of partners has developed, and that is only the beginning. I am very happy to be able to work with this firm and truly thank all those involved. The best thanks go to my partner, thank-you DubLi - a terrific company!!!
Andreas Kaufmann

I am 42 years old, married and the mother of two children. I am from the Fulda area in Hesse. By profession I am a trained nursing assistant, and for the last four years, before I became a homemaker and mother, I worked my parents independent company. At this time I became aware of the possibilities inherent in professional independence. Above all the risks and responsibilities to others, but also the financial aspects, that allow you to create a better quality of life.
After a short domestic period, I received an invitation and became acquainted with network marketing! I was sceptical at the beginning , yet the more I involved myself, the more I realised the chance to attain a time-saving lucrative position. That is twelve years ago; I have worked in product marketing since - the past six years in the telecommuncations industry. I learnt a lot in this time and was gradually successful with my team. Yet in the last few years, the situation has changed. Potential earnings are fewer, and there is more competition. It's more difficult to maintain your financial situation.... I was open to new ventures and looking around. Above all, in the network marketing area, the potential market is important, as well as future perspectives. As several business partners from the telecommunications industry - partly out of necessity - began to look for other employment, I received many offers. But nothing appealed to me or gave me the right feeling. In a telephone conversation with Andrea and Armin Schneider, I heard of the DubLi internet marketing company. I quickly decided that I wanted to get involved. To be active in this forward-looking market fascinated me. So I watched the business presentation and the five letters rolling acrosss the screen. My gut instinct was positive and after listening to a presentation by Michael Hansen in Berlin, it was clear. DubLi offered everything that I had been looking for. I was overly enthusiastic.
After this short period of time, I am very proud of my TEAM and all that we have accomplished!!! In the next few weeks, I hope to achieve the position of Sales Director and work together with the top management at DubLi. To improve quality of life and to give others the same opportunity. Anyone can achieve this, you just have to do it!!!

Hello, my name is Helena Peternell and DubLi is my first network. I live with my bright fifteen-year-old daughter and ten-year-old dog Merlin in Freilasung near Salzburg. And my advertising agency keeps me on my feet. Thirteen years ago I encountered Günther Kofler there as a customer. In Decenber, 2006, we met by chance in the pedestrian area again, and over coffee, things just started. Impressed, I started at DubLi in February, and in June I was already a Sales Director. I haven't regretted it since. DubLi is cutting edge and therefore, gives me and others a great chance to realize our dreams. I hope that a lot of other people discover this chance, and I wish every new member the best of luck.

I have been involved with network marketing for 6 years now. From day one I felt like I was in the right place and conducting myself in the right form of business. I have been in a couple of MLM companies with great success. I have also considered many other MLM companies but it always seemed as if something was lacking. I only discovered what was missing when I started with DubLi Network.
Here I saw a MLM business with substance. A real business. Not just a compensation plan with products.
It also means that it is not only “networkers” who are attracted to this unique concept in great numbers – but also people from the traditional business environment.
The best thing is that I know I will be working with this concept until the end of my life.
The previous nine months when I have been working with DubLi have been the funniest and most exciting of my business life.
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